Germany has had other people of African decent in leading political positions even before the reunification and Obama times. However after reunification, John Efret's 2012 election as mayor of Mauer, Baden-Württemberg made breaking news. Check out our post on this:
Dr. Diaby's Karamba's move into parliament would have a greater symbolic effect in the Afro-German society, Germany's somewhat arm's length political relationship to its immigrant communities and to the liberal image of this nation to the world in general. This would be the highest political position occupied by an Afrogerman thus far.
I am impressed by the way he deals with the excitement and curiosity about his roots. Despite repeated attempts by the press to reduce him and his political career to his ethnic origin and the racism debate, Dr. Karamba leads the conversation and the attention back to his political goals. He sees himself as an "authentic East German politician".

Like many young graduates at the time, it was difficult to find a job in the East after the fall of the Berlin Wall. He then began a PhD degree in chemistry. His thesis gave him a chance to combine science and advocacy. A real estate investor claimed the gardens on the outskirts of Halle were contaminated, a fictional attempt to raze them. Mr. Diaby conducted his own analysis of the soil in the area and was able to refute the allegations. People here still remember how the young chemist from Senegal rescued one of the few things that had survived the turbulent transitional period. During his PhD, he met janitors and engineers, security personnel and university professors, thus he got an insight into the everyday concerns of the population.
Standing on a big political stage is not new to Dr. Diaby - back in January 2002, he was received by the then Federal President, Johannes Rau, in recognition of his commitment to foster transcultural communication and understanding between immigrants and Germans. As Chairman of the Federal Immigration Council he was responsible and saw to the needs of around 4.5 million people. His main political concern and agenda is education. In 2008, he joined the Social Democratic Party, a year later he was on the city council of Halle (Saale) (SPD), four years later, on 06.10.2012, he was nominated as a candidate for the SPD in constituency 72 (Halle, Kabelsketal , Landsberg and Peter Berg) for the 2013 federal elections.
He works as a consultant in the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of Saxony-Anhalt (in the Integration Commissioner of the State Government).
Experts say chances for Mr. Diaby to represent the people of Saxony-Anhalt in the Bundestag are good. But he is leaving nothing to chance and runs a vibrant campaign largely supported by students from Halle.
The former East Germany is still trying to change his reputation as a breeding ground for right-wing extremism. The extreme right-wing NPD has two seats in formerEast Germnay and none in the former West.
His candidacy throws again a positive light on Halle, Salle located in the east of Germany. It was in Halle Salle where the first African Anton Wilhelm Amo (1703-1759) who ever studied in Germany(See our post on this )