If you have ever met Dr. Daniel A. M. Egbe, you would agree with me that his humility is amazing and somewhat misleading. Unless told, at first you wouldn't think the man in front of you has got so much wealth in academic and private achievements such that he chose to give back some of it to his community as a part of the fight against stereotypes. In his own words "knowledge transfer is fun..,,besides it also helps in breaking down intercultural prejudices and xenophobia".
(„Wissen weitergeben macht Spaß"...... „... dabei auch Vorurteile und Vorbehalte gegenüber anderen Kulturen und damit Ausländerfeindlichkeit abbauen kann")
He was born in Cameroon and moved to Germany in 1992 after obtaining a BSc. in Physics and Chemistry at the University of Yaounde. He read Chemistry in Jena, Germany where he later became the first Cameroonian with a Dr. rer. nat in Chemistry in Germany .
He is a very engaged person giving back not only to the german community but also to other Cameroonians in the diaspora because he sees himself as a lobbyist for Cameroonians wherever he is. WUS, DAAD, STUBE-OST are a few organisations he works with.
He is an internationally recognised senior scientist associated with Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria (Institute for Organic Solar Cells and Physical Chemistry), Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany (Institut für Print- und Medientechnik), Eindhoven University of Technology, Nietherlands amongst others....
His researches mainly on the electrical conductivity of polymers and their application in electrotechnology and optics.
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