Baskamerun, a non-profit-making organisation which doesn't only celebrate basketball as a life style but as a symbol of diversity and intergration as well, was founded 1998 by a group of cameroonian students in Hannover. Thier annual International-B-Ball-Day is one of the biggest basketball events in Germany and draws hundreds of guests from different nations.

This year the annual B-Ball-Day is celebrating its premier in the south of Germany, on August 15th in Münich.

Founder of Baskamerun
Die Disziplin, Energie und Zielstrebigkeit, die diese Sportart auszeichnen, stecken bei Baskamerun nicht nur auf dem Basketballplatz sondern auch ausserhalb. Dadurch hat sich Baskamerun als gemeinnützige Organisation über 11 Jahre als ein Sympbol für Völkerverständigung und Intergration mit Erfolg bewissen.

Thank you for the post, Dr Sea. It's really nice from you.
AntwortenLöschenGreetings from where you know
Thanks Marlow. I visited photoblog but hasn't figured out how to use it yet. Thanks anyways.
AntwortenLöschenI should be thanking you Bryce for giving me something to write about and a reason to be proud.
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