Dr. Josette Henstch was born in Cameroon and moved 18years ago to Germany to read medicine. She owns and runs her own practice since January 2007 in Unterbach, Düsseldorf (in der Eichenwand 34a). She is a modern successful woman who manages family, career and entrepreneurship.

Zahnarztpraxis Josette Hentsch
Josette Hentsch
Eichenwand 34
40627 Düsseldorf
Telefon: 0211 - 204400
Homepage: http://www.zahnaerztin-duesseldorf.de
Despite her busy schedule she creates time to reach out to her community. She and others founded the association ' Afro Horizont e.V' in Düsseldorf which focuses on improving the quality of life of Africans living in Düsseldorf through Education. They create networks amongst various African communities and work on projects which encourage quality education for Africans on one hand while fighting for the recognition of the African in the düsseldorfer scenes, thus against cliche's on the other hand.
Dr. Hentsch's practice is located in Unterbach Düsseldorf, an almost all-white neighbourhood which sees the competent doctor in her and not just the African.
Dr. Hentsch's practice is located in Unterbach Düsseldorf, an almost all-white neighbourhood which sees the competent doctor in her and not just the African.
Really glad to read this informative post, thank you so much for sharing this post with us.
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