geb. am 23.7.1968 in Louth, England. Sein Vater stammt aus Jamaica und seine Mutter aus St. Lucia. Er wuchs in Deutschland (Bochum) auf.
1987-88 Studium der Architektur an der Universität Dortmund
1988-90 Steinmetz- und Bildhauerlehre in Berlin
1991-92 Förderstipendium der Fondation Taylor in Paris
1992 Bildhauerarbeiten und Restauration am Grand Louvre in Paris
Seit 1996 freischaffender Bildhauer Bevorzugte Ausdrucksformen: Stein und Holz lebt und arbeitet als freischaffender Künstler in Soest
In courtesy of Steve Lawson's space:
His sculptures are inspirational, reflecting his african and german influences especially those gained through personal contact. Born to caribbean parents, Steve Lawson grew up in Bochum (Germany) where he at an early age discovered his interest in arts despite his very good grades in the sciences. In his strive to professionalise his hobby and talent, he later studied architecture in Dortmund and completed a vocational training in sculturing in Berlin. His career highlights include working at the Grand Louvre in Paris among others.
Tel: 02921-5994329
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AntwortenLöschenHello Mr. Lawson.
AntwortenLöschenI hope you and family are well.
There 4 statues in Hamburg that need a Facelift.
Your work would be necessary for us to complete our Afrotopia Center entrance.Would you like to see them?