Kumba Development and Cultural Association (KUDECA) pulls the efforts of the sons and daughters from Kumba together towards noticeable change both in Germany and back home. Kumba is a city with a population of about 200,000 inhabitants in the southwest region of Cameroon, West Africa.
Statue of Midiki in Kumba
History holds that Kumba was founded around 1938 by a hunter, Midiki Ukeh, when he and his crew settled in the northern river banks at Likwi. They later named their newfound home "ekumba" which means "umbrella tree" . KUDECA over the years has truly symbolically become "ekumba" to this city. Kumba is marked by trade and commerce and could be termed the economic capital of the southwest region. On the other hand a large part of its inhabitants are farmers.
Kumba market
Now try to imagine the life of a physically challenged individual and those of underprivileged children amidst these ever thriving, highly competitive extremes. This is where KUDECA made its impact in recent years.
Mrs Yeboah President of KUDECA Germany
Under the leadership of Mrs. Elizabeth Yeboah KUDECA has made the general well being and especially the health of this group of people its proirity. Mrs Yeboah is not only president of KUDECA but also an active board member of The Greens Party in Ratingen since 2009. In addition she runs campaigns which sensitize the population on sickle cell anemia amongst immigrants in Germany.
KUDECA officially launched its campaign for better health 2010 in Mülheim an der Ruhr.
Donations from KUDECA to the handicaps in Kumba
In her own words, the most touching story was that of a young girl who had dropped out of school because she couldn't find someone to carry her there everyday. Her new wheel chair enabled her to go back to school. Within the frame of the campaign she emphasized the importance of adapting accessibility to government offices and hospitals to the needs of the handicapped in Kumba.
Recipients being helped into their wheel chairsPhoto of recipients with the mayor of Kumba and members of his council
In the past KUDECA erected a peace and unity monument
in Kumba which symbolizes love, affection and solidarity to the
growth and evolution of the city. Other donations included Bedsheets for hospital beds.

Every support is appreciated. To achieve this goal they organize a number of fundraising events and presentations each year.
The next event is due on the 9th November 2013, Feldstr. 87 45476 Mülheim an der Ruhr.
Tel 02102-17607
mobil 0157-80559078
Email: kamande@gmx.de
For Donations:
Account-Nr: 175085769
Bank Code: 36250000
IBAN: DE22 3625 0000 0175 0857 69
Name of Bank: Sparkasse Mülheim an der Ruhr
Bank Code: 36250000
IBAN: DE22 3625 0000 0175 0857 69
Name of Bank: Sparkasse Mülheim an der Ruhr
very nice post
AntwortenLöschentwo thumb up for you ^___^