S.E. Agbor: Academic and Author

Mr. S. E Agbor was born in Mamfe, Cameroon. After obtaining a BA (Hons) in Foreign Languages and Literatures, majoring in French, from the University of Nsukka, Nigeria, he ventured into another world of Business and Management wherein he holds a series of management diplomas with distinctions in Communication in Business and Management; Advanced Study of Theory and Practice of Management; High distinction in Human Resource and Personnel Management and International Honours Graduate Diploma on Human Resource Development from Cambridge International College (CIC) in England. He is currently a freelance researcher with residence in the Federal Republic of Germany.

He is passionate in his aim to revolutionise writing as an art, to render it more competitive to meet the challenges posed to readers by alternative hobbies, resulting from technological advancement, inventions and innovation.

In this book, he brings his considerable experience to bear upon this glimpse into the teenage student experience and its echoes in relationships in the wider world, in the realms of politics, ethics and business. He takes us into the heart of personal relationships among a varied group of high school students, sometimes passionate, sometimes violent, sometimes deceitful, often touching. What emerges is a portrait and analysis of human activity and motivation which is a template for the understanding of passions and intentions in the workings of larger organisations, their weaknesses and strengths. As the author writes: the students of today will be the parents and leaders of tomorrow – the cycle continues; a theme of all times; a book for everyone.


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