Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!! Fröhliche Weichnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr

A merry shout-out from Ernest Look, Face of Africa Germany and A Sister in Germany to you. We encourage you to keep taking baby steps towards your goals. Make efforts to learn the german language if you live in Germany, not necessarily to speak perfectly but to be able to communicate your needs and grab opportunities when they show up. We are all not perfect but each one unique in his own way.
Live your dream one day at a time, one episode at a time, one word at a time.

Fröhliche Grüße von Ernest Look, Face of Africa Germany und a Sister in Germany an euch alle. Wir ermutigen euch die Baby-Schritte in Richtung eurer Ziele zu halten. Es lohnt sich die Deutsche Sprache zu lernen, wenn man in Deutschland lebt; nicht unbedingt perfekt zu sprechen, aber in der Lage zu sein, eigene Bedürfnisse zu kommunizieren und Chancen zu ergreifen. Wir sind alle nicht perfekt, aber jeder ist einzigartig.

Lebt euren Traum ein Tag nach dem anderen, eine Episode nach der anderen, ein Wort nach dem anderen.

A special thank you to Kupe Films Germany.

Xmas Gospel Night with New Life Choir Düsseldorf organised by Enije for Afrika e.V

{Scroll down for English please}
Aus Sehnsucht nach der Art von Weihnachten mit der ich aufgewachsen bin, fand ich mich heute auf der Gospel Night von Enije für Afrika e.V Düsseldorf. Ich hatte eine tolle Zeit. Ich habe immer diese Qualität von Gospelmusik zu Harlem USA und dergleichen assoziert .. und hier war es direkt vor mir in Düsseldorf, in Deutschland.  New Life Gospel Choir von Düsseldorf begeisterte das Publikum . Ich wurde von der Musik infiziert,  ich habe sogar 3 Minuten Ruhm mit dem Mikrofon verdient... Hier einige Impressionen vom Abend. Ich habe noch eine Chance, den gesamten Chor  am kommenden Sonntag 2013.12.22 14.00 Albertstr. 83 Düsseldorf zu sehen, wenn sie ihre "Celebrate" CD mit dem "Joy To The World"-Konzert veröffentlichen

To watch videos of them visit their website:

Out of nostalgia for the kind of Xmas I grew up celebrating, I found myself today at the Gospel Night organized by Enije for Afrika e.V Düsseldorf. I had an amazing time. I had always associated this quality of gospel music to Harlem USA and the like ..and here it was right infront of me in Düsseldorf, Germany. The New Life Gospel Choir of Düsseldorf thrilled the audience with thier performance. I got so infected, thus I earned 3 minutes of fame with the mic ...

Here are some impressions from the evening. I have another chance to view the entire choir this coming Sunday 22.12.2013 14:00 Albertstr. 83 Düsseldorf, when they launch their "Celebrate" CD at their "JOY TO THE WORLD" concert.

 Backstage with members of the choir:

Anita Atieno Oulo und Yasmina Aoulad-Ali - Intelligent und Engagiert - YOU ROCK!!!!

Unter den diesjährigen Gewinnern der Start-Stiftung sind zwei Mädchen afrikanischer Herkunft: die 16jährige Anita Atieno Oulo und die ebenfalls 16jährige Yasmina Aoulad-Ali.
Suzanne Oetker-von Franquet (M.) (Vorsitzende der Düsseldorfer Bürgerstiftung) . mit den Stipendiaten Kevin Demir,Anita Atieno Oulo, Marie Thanh Van Nguyen und Yasmina Aoulad-Ali (v.l.)  - Foto: Bernd Schaller

Die Start-Stiftung vergibt materielle und ideelle Förderung bis zum Abitur an begabte und engagierte Zuwanderer. Sechs Schüler aus Düsseldorf und Umgebung hat die Bürgerstiftung in der Vergangenheit gefördert, fünf sind es aktuell. 
Mit dem Stipendiums will die Start-Stiftung die Entwicklungschancen der Schüler verbessern und ihnen Wege in Leitungsfunktionen eröffnen.

Anita wurde in Kenia geboren und zog 2003 zusammen mit dem Rest der Familie zu ihrem Vater in Deutschland nach. Sie  hat drei Geschwister.  Nach der Grundschule ging sie in die  Benzenberg-Realschule, welche sie mit einem Notendurchschnitt von 1,7 beendet – kombiniert mit ihrer ehrenamtlichen Tätigkeit als Tutorin, Sportübungsleiterin konnte sie mit ihrer Bewerbung um das Stipendium überzeugen. Anita will sich noch nicht festlegen, was ihren Berufswunsch angeht. „In meiner Bewerbung habe ich zwar geschrieben, dass ich Lehrerin für Englisch und Geschichte werden will“, sagt sie der Westdeutsche Zeitung „Aber das kann sich auch wieder ändern.“ 

Yasmina Aoulad-Ali wurde als Kind Marokkanischer Eltern in Deutschland geboren. Sie hat die Realschule mit einem Notendurchschnitt von 1,6 beendet und engagiert sich seit knapp zwei Jahren im Jugendrat der Stadt Düsseldorf. „Nach meinem Abitur möchte ich Ärztin werden“, ist sich die 16-Jährige, die fünf Geschwister hat, sicher.

Die Auswahl-Kriterien sind streng. Von zuletzt 500 Bewerbern aus NRW, wurden 100 zum Auswahlgespräch eingeladen, davon erhält maximal die Hälfte eine Zusage.
Wer gefördert wird, bekommt jährlich 500 Euro auf sein Start-Konto, plus 100 Euro pro Monat extra. Geld, das unter anderem für Seminare, Theaterbesuche, Bücher oder das Schokoticket ausgegeben wird.
Rund 720 Start-Stipendiaten aus fast 80 Nationen werden im Schuljahr 2011/2012 in ganz NRW gefördert, seit Beginn des Stipendienprogramms im Jahr 2002 haben rund 670 Start-Stipendiaten erfolgreich ihr Abitur abgelegt.

A Cameroonian christmas feeling for children in Essen by Mrs. Chrystelle Carole Najeme of Afrika Kultur & Wohlfahrt e.V

chin chin (fried croquette)

When its christmas time in Cameroon, the streets and shops aren't lavishly decorated, there is no Lebkuchen (Gingerbread), no smell of cinnamon in the air and no baked cookies like in Germany. Chin chin is the closest to cookies you would fine, flavored with orange leaf or peelings and nutmeg. It is 30°C outside,  sun by day and clear skies by nights, all wrapped in the dust brought by the southerly Harmatan winds.  A visitor from Europe or Germany to be particular, might miss the christmas vibe in the air.
This is because this feeling is mostly within the families and social groups until a few days to christmas when it relocates to the market places: the market places are more populated, the most sought after commodities are rice and chicken usually in "nkenjas" (beautifully woven baskets) . Parents picking out clothes and shoes for their kids, which will only be handed over to them as a gift on christmas morning. Church activities intensify too, to have the best christmas play, concert and recitations on christmas eve. The few christmas trees you will find are plastic and sparingly carry christmas lights.

Christmas eves are mostly spent in the church where a nativity scene is presented, carols are sung, and kids are proud to recite bible verses to proud parents and not at home with family presenting gifts under the christmas tree as in Germany. 
They rush back home after the christmas eve church service to continue preparations in the kitchen for the christmas day meal, go to bed late and wake up earlier than ever on christmas morning. 

It is christmas day, sunny, temparatures are still 30°C so every one is outside. The streets are full with excited kids, each proud to present thier new clothes to thier neighbors and friends; even in church. By midday church services are over. Balloons are present every where and every kid seems to own a pair of decorated plastic sunshades. Some fortunate ones will have more than just new clothes as a gift: dolls for girls and plastic guns for boys. Oh I remember those toy cameras too. 

There is loud music on the streets and christmas is one big party for all: christians and muslims alike. It isn't rare to find masquerades dancing in the crowd too. All doors are open as adults and children take turns in eating rice and chicken stew from one house to the next. It is no wonder that many return home with overfilled discomforting bellies. Atleast it was christmas.

This kind of atmosphere is what Afrika Kultur & Wohlfahrt e.V. in Essen creates for kids and their families who want to experience another kind of christmas at their Kids Children Party in Essen, held every last Saturday before the christmas holidays. A fashion parade, a  dance workshop and other games add more spice to the day. 

And because we are in Germany, Santa Claus makes his obligatory entry with the traditional "oh oh oh" and loads of surprises in his Santa sack. He doesn't need his elves here because the party already has enough little helpers to unpack with excitement. 

Afrika Kultur & Wohlfahrt e.V.  has a tough job maintaining the restricted number of participants to 100 kids because more and more kids seek registration even weeks after the official deadline. There is no sunshine, temparatures are in the minus outside but the spirit of a Cameroonian christmas is warm enough for all inside. 
Mrs. Chrystelle Carole Najeme (CEO of Afrika Kultur & Wohlfahrt e.V) and husband.

In so doing, Afrika Kultur & Wohlfahrt e.V contributes its bit towards interkultural exchange and reinforcement of a cultural identity. 

Similar activities of thiers include:

- assististance to migrants with translations, interpreting and  appointments in government offices
Tutoring in all subjects
Kids crafts workshops
Culinary workshops for children and youths
- Integration through Sports
- Informative forums for parents
- Discussions on development policies and development assistance and the strengthening of mutual understanding between Germans and Africans as well as  between the Africans themselves.

Ehre mit Uns Nelson Mandela

R.I.P Rohlihlahla Nelson Mandela "Madiba"

Georges Adéagbo - Beninese Sculptor in Hamburg

In courtesy of SAVVY Contemporary: The conceptual artist Georges Adéagbo was born in 1942 in Cotonou (Benin). He lives and works in Cotonou and Hamburg. After studying law in Abidjan and Rouen, Adéagbo returned to Benin in 1968. Until he was accidentally discovered in 1993 by a European curator, he made daily installations in his yard complex without regarding himself as an artist. In 1999 he participated in the Venice Biennale and was awarded for his installation at the Campo Arsenale. For Okwui Enwezor's Documenta 11 in Kassel 2002,
Adéagbo presented an in-situ installation, which was later acquired in a modified form by the collection of the Museum Ludwig in Cologne. Adéagbo is one of today's most renowned and prolific artists with works in major collections, e.g. Philadelphia Museum of Art, Toyota City Museum and KIASMA Helsinki. 

Amongst many other international exhibitions, his work has been shown in: 1997 Johannesburg Biennale, 1998 Sao Paolo Biennale, 1999 Venice Biennale, 2000 PS1 New York, 2001 The Short Century by Okwui Enwezor in Museum Villa Stuck Munich, 2002 Documenta 11 Kassel, 2005 Belgique Visionnaire by Harald Szeemann in Bozar Brussels, 2006 Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2008 Palazzo Vecchio Florence, 2009 MAK Vienna, Venice Biennale, 2011 MUSAC Leòn, Kiasma ARS 11 Helsinki, 2012 Paris Triennale, Biennale Regard Benin.

Installationsansicht: George Adéagbo "Betrachtet Geschichte!", 2008 (Foto: Martin Frommhagen) 
A documentary film LA PERSONNE DE GEORGES ADÉAGBO on his life, outstandingly gives a bird’s-eye view on the Georges Adéagbo's conceptual artistic practice.The gravity and multifacetedness of Adéagbo’s oeuvre unfolds as the film director Matteo Frittelli takes the viewer on a tour of Adéagbo’s installations from his Cotonou court yard through the Palazzo Vecchio Florence, Venice Biennial 2009 to MADRE Napels. (watchTrailer here:

LA PERSONNE DE GEORGES ADÉAGBO was premiered at the Paris Triennial in the Palais de Tokyo in 2012, is a revelation and sets a milestone in artist documentary filmmaking. Watch an interview with him at the Viennale:


Osman Nyei: Investment Advisor and Insurance Specialist; CEO of OBN-Expats Financial Advise Germany

The expatriate community in Germany is growing and the need for financial planning with it. As many more people of African descend decide to make Germany home, having a retirement plan, a goal-directed wealth accumulation or real estate financing scheme should not be ignored.

"A Sister in Germany" met with Osman Nyei, an investment advisor and insurance specialist to put a spotlight on these issues. Before moving on to our interview with him,   let's visit his background (we love that in Germany, don't we?). He graduated 2008 from Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main with a degree in political sciences and economics. A year later he was certified  by the international chamber of commerce Cologne (IHK Köln) as an insurance specialist. He has worked as a financial and investment advisor with many big companies and became his own boss 2011 when he founded OBN -Expat Financial Advice Germany. He fluently speaks German, English and basic French.

First, a hearty thank you, Osman, for taking time off your very busy schedule to reach out to our readers.

A Sister in Germany: I know you as Osman Nyei but will you mind to tell our readers more about you and maybe about your roots?
Osman Nyei: Thanks SEA for having me here. Yes … The full name is Osman Bashir Nyei and I am Liberian. To be exact I’m as well half Sierra Leonean. Born in Egypt on May 5th 1978 and came to Germany along with the family in 1986. Since then I’ve lived, went to school and studied in Germany. Now I’m self-employed, married and we have a little boy. 

A Sister in Germany: How did you find yourself in the finance/investment/insurance branch? Actually you are the only African in Germany I know, who specifically does that
Osman Nyei: LoL … You know that’s funny to me too but at the same time sad. I do know about other Africans working in the financial sector but mostly for larger companies or if self-employed, then as an agent for one of the bigger brokerage agencies. But up till today, I just know about myself running an own agency, as an African in Germany.
The interesting thing is that anytime I speak to German clients, insurers or other brokers they first seem surprised but at the same time they are happy to see an African in the business.  
I was always interested in financial matters and wanted to understand the way things work.

A Sister in Germany:  Tell us more about OBN, Expats Financial Advice Germany. What is it exactly?
Osman Nyei: OBN stands for Osman Bashir Nyei …. That was the best name I could come up with. When I first started as a broker for a larger brokerage agency (that was in 2008) my supervisor sat down with me and told me: “Osman … It might be that if you happen to speak to potential clients and ask them to attend a consultation, they might react aggressively. I then asked him: Why do you think so. He said very politely: Don’t misunderstand me but it will have to do something with your skin color. At that point in time I had the choice to feel offended and walk out or just swallow. So I simply said: Well if that’s the case I speak to people who look like me”
Since then I’ve just been consulting staff members of larger international organizations and private persons. I did leave the company in 2011 and started OBN-Expats Financial Advice Germany. During my time I did learn that many foreigners first coming to Germany or already living in Germany do find it difficult to cope with insurance and financial matters. They are very happy with the fact that somebody with an intercultural background is there to assist them.

A Sister in Germany: Do you also offer your services to German expats abroad?
Osman Nyei: Yes I do …. I currently have several German clients living in Brazil, Sweden or the USA with property and investments in Germany; as well as  non-Germans who have set up plans in Germany.

A Sister in Germany: That would mean if someone decides to leave Germany after many years and for example go back home, you could still manage their retirement plan/ wealth/real estate from here.
Osman Nyei: Yes … It’s actually a very simple procedure. Many clients do think that it does not make sense to start a plan in Germany because they might move elsewhere. I always say, it actually does not matter where they build up their plans for the future. Most importantly is that they start somewhere.

A Sister in Germany: What about people abroad who plan to travel to Germany and need a health or travel insurance, do you cover those too? For example students, business people or tourists
Osman Nyei: Besides OBN, I run an online portal for students, employees, etc. called DeutscheInsurance, where people who plan to travel to Germany can ask for quotes and we  do our best to find a suitable insurance coverage for them. First we determine the reason of travel then we give advice on the best health insurance coverage for the client. It could be public, private or simply a travel insurance.

A Sister in Germany: How early should people start thinking of financial planning?
Osman Nyei:I believe we all always think about our finances and how to manage them. Some do it perfectly and do not need guidance. Others need to find and speak to an independent consultant.
And it is always simple to tell somebody that he/she should start very early. I would rather always want to understand the client's personal situation, determined goals, indicated potential risks and then take the necessary actions.
A Sister in Germany: must I have a huge salary in order to consider wealth accumulation or retirement planing or even buying a house or a flat. Are there any cut-offs, as in income.
Osman Nyei: Everybody can plan his/her finances. The most important thing is that the plans are realistic. Somebody with an income of 1.500€ Net for a family of four has to really think if it is reasonable to buy a property for 250.000€.
A Sister in Germany: What should people lookout for when going in for financial deals? What are 3 must-haves.
Osman Nyei:
- Make sure the consultant gives you the chance to compare different offers
- Talk to an independent and registered advisor
- Know what you are capable of doing

A Sister in Germany: What advice would you give to the younger generation on managing finances
Osman Nyei: First I would like to give the parents an advice. Almost every child in Germany does receive child allowance (Kindergeld). Not all families are able to put that money aside for the child. Basically, because of personal circumstances. If a parent can at least save some of that money for the future and make the child aware of such savings it could be very helpful. A child would see such act as an example and would proceed in the same manner.   

A Sister in Germany: How best can one reach you. Email? Website?
Osman Nyei: It’s best to reach me via eMail at or If you like please have a look at the website:   

A Sister in Germany: Now who are your role models, please don't say Rockefeller...
Osman Nyei: My father is Nr. 1 … He has a way of talking to people. He is very much respected & has achieved a lot regarding his background.
Nr. 2 … I would say is some guy called Christopher Williams. He is an investment banker at Wall Street who owns a very successful Company. The US magazine “Black Enterprise” had named his company as one of the best.     

A Sister in Germany: Thanks agian for honoring us with your time and knowledge.
Osman Nyei: Thank you for having me

Contact / Imprint

OBN - Expats Financial Advice Germany
Pariserstrasse 30
53117 Bonn
Tel.: +49 - (0)228 - 974 68 250
Mobil: +49 - (0)228 - 178 - 406 8077

Irene Azong-Wara bewirkt den Unterschied in der Schönheit und Haarpflege der Afrikanischen Frau weltweit.

Ich schnappte mir meine Kopie der neuesten Ausgabe von "Africa Positive" gestern und als ich durch blätterte, kam ein "wow .... endlich!" von mir auf Seite 39. Vor mir lächelte diese Schönheit, Irene Azong-Wara mit ihrem Artikel über Haarpflege.Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass ein Artikel von ihr  in diesem Magazin erscheint aber zum ersten Mal mit ihrem Gesicht darauf. Das ist der Grund für mein "wow - endlich". Sie ist in der Regel sehr diskret und ist lieber hinter den Kulissen ihrer Arbeit.

Irene ist eine selbst gemachte African-Naturalista, die Freude daran hat, das Wissen, das sie auf dieser Reise gewonnen hat, weiter zu geben. Sie leistet großartige Arbeit mit ihren Workshops über Schönheit und Haarpflege. Ihre letzte Veranstaltung "My Baby's Hair and Me" vom 15. September 2013 in Duisburg, die sich  auf Haarpflege für Kinder mit lockigen / Kinky / Afro-Haar konzentrierte, hatte eine beeindruckende Teilnehmerzahl.  Andere Vorbilder wie Theresa A. Franz kamen zu diesem Workshop  (Lest unseren Artikel über diese unaufhaltsame Frau  hier:

Irene Azong-Wara ist die Gründerin von FebMart, ein Online-Portal über Schönheit. Sie hat ein Masterstudium in Globalization Management abgeschlossen, ist verheiratet und eine liebevolle Mutter von zwei Jungs und einem Mädchen.
Was ich persönlich in dieser Frau bewundere? Ihr Sinn für Ordnung und Stil!

Irene nimmt ihre Leidenschaft über die Grenzen hinweg und startet  "Febmart" in Douala, Kamerun am 13. Dezember 2013 ab 14.00 Uhr.

Mehr über ihre Arbeit findet man hier:

Mach weiter so Schwester!

Irene Azong-Wara: Making a difference in the beauty and hair care of the African woman worldwide.

I grabbed my copy of the latest edition of Africa Positive magazine yesterday and as I browsed through..I went "wow....finally!" on page 39. There in-front of me was that signature smile and beauty of Mrs. Irene Azong-Wara and an article on hair care. This is not the first time an article of hers features in this magazine but the first time with her face on it. This is where the "wow--finally" comes in for me. She is usually very discrete and prefers being behind the scenes of her work. 

Irene is a self-made African-Naturalista who takes pleasure in sharing the knowledge she has gained on this journey. She does great work organizing workshops on beauty and hair care in her community and beyond. Her last event "My Baby's Hair and Me" on Sept. 15 2013 in Duisburg which focused on hair care for children with curly/kinky/Afro-hair had an impressive turn-out and even pulled other role models like Theresa A. Franz  to it.(check out our article on this never stopping woman here: ).
She is the founder of FebMart, an online portal which aims at bringing out the beauty in everyone it touches.

Irene his a holder of a Master's degree in Globalization Management. She is married and a loving mum to two boys and a girl.
What do I personally admire in this woman? Her organizing skills and sense of style!!!

Irene is venturing internationally with her passion and in this light she will be launching "Febmart" in Douala, Cameroon on the 13th of Dec 2013 from 2pm.

To learn more about her work visit:

Ride on sister!!

Adegoke Odukoya aka Ade Bantu: Nigerian-German musician, producer and socio-political activist. The "Afropean"

Adegoke Odukoya, aka Adé Bantu, is a Nigerian-German musician, producer and activist.  Adé Bantu was born July 13, 1971 in Wembley, London to a German mother, Barbara Odukoya, and a Nigerian father, Adeleke Odukoya. In 1973 he relocated to Lagos, Nigeria with his parents. After the death of his father in 1986 he moved with his mother and 3 siblings to Germany.
His music is an eclectic fusion of the rich cultural heritage of the Yorubas and the sounds of the African Diaspora. In his words in an interview with he describes himself as "..a grenzgaenger...a pan Africanist. I am an “Afropean”, Yoruba-Prussian musician, producer, singer/songwriter and activist, who uses music to explore and celebrate his urban African musical and cultural heritage"
He received the Kora Award (the Pan-African equivalent of the Grammy) 2005 for his debut album "Fuji Satisfaction" , which featured Senegalese Hip-hop veterans P.B.S; and his collaboration with the Nigerian Fuji star Adewale Ayuba.
 He is best known as the founder of the Afro-German musical collective and NGO "Brothers Keepers"  which fights against racism in Germany and as the front man of Bantu & Afrobeat Academy Band. 
Video "Lagos Jump" by Ade Bantu: 

His TV appearances include the cinema documentary "Yes I Am", a documentary on Afro Germans directed by Sven Halfar. He also appears in an episode of German soap Lindenstrasse (Episode 710). In 2012, Bantu joined the panel of judges of Project Fame West Africa, a music TV reality show.
He now lives and works from Nigeria.
His recent video Oya is full of energy and youthful playfulness. Watch the video below:

Lena-Sinwo Ngassa und die "Elisabeth liest" Lese-AG der Bergschule Heilbad Heilingenstadt

Gestolpert bin auf Lena im Rahmen einer Forschung über Leute afrikanischer Herkunft bei der Frankfurter Buchmesse  2013. Ich sah ein Bild von Ihr bei der Verleihung des Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreises auf Facebook, gepostet von ihrer Mutter. Sofort schrieb Ich die Mutter an mit der Frage ob ich über Lena schreiben darf. Die Antwort könnt ihr schon ahnen, sonst hätte ich nicht diesen Artikel.

Erstens finde ich Leseratten ganz schon cool!!! Vielleicht weil ich auch immer eine gewesen bin.

Lena ist die Tochter eines kamerunischen Vaters und einer deutschen Mutter. Sie hat einen jungeren Bruder, Simon Ngassa. Ihre Liebe zu Büchern lebt Lena bei der "Elisabeth liest" Lese - AG der Bergschule aus.

Nun was ist die Lese - AG der Bergschule? 
Da sind ca 30 Kids zwischen zwischen 10 und 17 Jahren, die für uns Bücher lesen und kommentieren. In ihrer Buchauswahl orientieren sie sich an den Nominierungslisten des Arbeitskreis für Kinder- und Jugendliteratur (AKJ e.V) sowie an den von der Allgemeinheit momentan gern gelesen Büchern. Die AKJ e.V. wurde 1955 als Dachverband der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur in Deutschland und  zu seinen Aufgaben gehören die Organisation und Bekanntgabe des Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreises, Leseförderung und Orientierungshilfe zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur in Form der Fachzeitschrift "JuLit" und andere Publikationen. Außerdem ist die AKJ e.V die deutsche Sektion des International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) international. Ach so! Das bedeutet die Lese-AG der Bergschule hat eine sehr einflussreiche Aufgabe..!!! 

Seit Januar 2012 arbeiten sie als eine der 6 Jugend-Jurys in Deutschland, die die Vorschläge für den Deutschen Kinder- und Jugendbuchpreis auswählen, der jährlich vergeben wird.  
Was machen sie so genau als Jury?
Zunächst sichten sie die Neuerscheinungen, dann wird es vier mal im Jahr darüber bestimmt, welche Bücher, die sie lesen wollen. Die Bücher werden von den Verlagen dann zur Verfügung gestellt. Nun ist es Zeit für die Bücherwürmer sich an die Arbeit zu machen.  Möglichst viele von ihnen sollen möglichst viele Neuerscheinungen lesen. Zweimal im Jahr erstellen sie eine Hitliste von 5-10 Büchern, (so etwas wie Hitparade der Büchern, bloß nicht auf MTV oder VIVA) aus denen sie dann am Ende eins zur Nominierung vorschlagen müssen. Aus den Vorschlägen aller Jurys wird eine Vorschlagsliste von 6 Büchern vom AKJ (Arbeitskreis für Kinder- und Jugendliteratur) zusammengestellt. Die Autoren stellen sich auf der Leipziger Buchmesse im März und auch auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse im Oktober vor. Dort werden auch die Sieger gewählt und gekürt.

Das Ganze noch einmal in graphischer Darstellung: 

Die Liebe zur Bücher scheint wohl in der Familie zu liegen. Ihr Vater Dr. med. E. A Ngassa hat selbst einige Bücher publiziert, zuletzt "Manungas Lehrbuch Pidgin Englisch/Deutsch" , ein Wörterbuch.

Lena-Sinwo hat spaß nicht nur am Lesen sondern auch mit Sprachen. So wurde sie im Mai 2013 zum zweiten Mal eine der bestplazierten Schülerinnen und Schüler des Englisch-Wettbewerbs "The Big Challenge". 

An diesem in ganz Europa ausgetragenen Wettbewerb nahmen mehr als 600 000 Schüler der Jahrgangsstufen 5 bis 9 teil, mehr als 8 000 allein in Thüringen. Lena-Sinwo Ngassa gelang es, in der Klassenstufe 6 bzw. 8 jeweils einen 6. Platz in Thüringen zu belegen.

Weiter so Lena-Sinwo.....A Sister in Germany ist ganz stolz auf dich!!!